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Posts by admin
Toronado page
updated, now, with pictures!
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Bravada page
All four sub-generations featured!
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Omega page
Added a history page for the Oldsmobile Omega. If you have pictures, brochures, etc. that we can use here, let us know. Looking for pictures of your Omega for the reader’s rides area also!
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Starfire page
now with pictures, and more information
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Economy Truck page
Oldsmobile made commercial trucks back in the day… Economy
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There were cars made ’73 and later!
…there were cars made ’73-up. site dedicated to the “smog era” Looking for volunteer article writers!
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Curved Dash, race to the museum
it’s a favorite classic car type survey I found… no email address or other spam-bait is needed to vote… Vote for the Curved Dash here
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